When you own a property you will always strive to do what it takes to protect the building itself as well as your own interests. No property owner wishes to face unwanted costs, especially when you could have prevented damage occurring in the first place, and this is where a property inspection can help you.
This is one of our most in-demand services, and when you look at where property owners benefit from having them, it is easy to see why. Here are some of the top ways you stand to benefit from having a property inspection at your property:
Remaining Insurance Compliant
A vacant property can easily fall harm to a number of potential risks, with intruders being the most notable. If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to make a claim, your insurer will want to make sure you have taken every step possible to try and prevent the damage occurring.
Having a report from your latest property inspection will prove that a you have taken every possible measure to stop this, as well as showing that you have complied with any best practice and regulatory requirements. This can make all the difference in complying with the guidelines set by your insurer.
Spot potential risks with through inspection
An inspector will be able to spot any potentially serious risks that may go under the radar thanks to being professionally trained and experienced. The most common are usually related to flooding or fire damage, which can be prevented by being spotted during an inspection.
In the long run, it may seem like a minute risk, but one that is certainly not worth taking. After all, any burst pipes or gas leaks can be fixed a much lower price than having to repair or rebuild following a serious flood/fire at your property.
Stay in the know with detailed reports
It is within both the property owners and the inspector’s best interests to keep a detailed account of findings, this helps to keep an up-to-date record of the state of the property and where any repairs have been carried out.
Having a professional record of inspection reports will mean that the properties interests are protected, showing exactly where it’s strengths and weaknesses are exactly, so you will always know just what is needed at the property to keep in in a well maintained state.
Tailored to your needs
Having an inspection shouldn’t be a chore, and it certainly isn’t when you call on SPS to carry them out for you. We will always make sure that every aspect of your inspection is tailored to your needs, meaning you will always know when and where this will occur, causing you minimal fuss.
This is extremely beneficial as you can have everything, from the date of inspection to how the reports are presented, in a way that works best for you. Making the process easy and accessible for you.
Arranging a property inspection is easy, all you have to do is get in touch with our team today and we can help get you started. Call us on 08457 62 65 42. For more news and updates from SPS, please follow us on Linked In, Facebook and Twitter, as well as right here on our blog.