north_yorkshire_safe_places_logo-1 SPS is extremely proud to be supporting North Yorkshire’s Safe Places Scheme.  Our customer has great passion and enthusiasm for ensuring the residents of North Yorkshire Council are safe at all times. Should their residents ever feel uncertain, vulnerable, concerned, they are to make their way to a Safe Place, found throughout North Yorkshire and call our dedicated helpline.  We will support that person, in ensuring that their 1st responder reaches them and that they feel safe again.

A Safe Place is where anyone who might need a little bit more help and support when they are out and about in the community can call in to get assistance.

Members of the scheme carry a ‘keep safe’ card and may have a wristband. On the card there is a call centre number that can be contacted by the safe place to check the person’s details. The call centre will then contact the person’s responders to make sure someone who knows them the best can come to take them home. The safe place will make sure that the person is safe and feels comfortable until their responder is able to attend.

To find out more about safe places, telephone 03307 260260 or email:

Our involvement:

Provision of a dedicated helpline

Supported by specially trained staff

Procurement of all safe places promotional items such as the cards and the wrist band, all uniquely identified

All administration of the scheme:

  • Registering a safe place and sending out welcome packs
  • Issuing all members packs, bands and cards
  • Ensuring we have all the relevant contact information
  • Communicating over all platforms
  • Reporting

Liaison with all members contacts when necessary, to ensure that they feel safe again.
